So You’ve Hired the Wrong Insurance Person Again?
It happens even to the best of us. You have a very confident candidate come in with letters of recommendation from places like Pacific Dental Services or a Dentist you may know down the street. They come in and you are completely “wow’d” by them and the skills they claim to have. You immediately get excited, like this is the one, she/he is perfect to help us take our business to the next level. So you extend employment and now you wonder if she/he is as good as they claim, do you let them jump right in without supervision or do you have to babysit for awhile?
Well that depends on you and how fast can you eye an employee who lacks the necessary skills to be billing in Dentistry? We recommend high supervision their first 90 days and to pay very close attention to their first 30 days. At DAAE, we have as well just like any other business, have seen our fair share of incapable people in the dental field. The scary thing for any dental billing company, which validates why we even have this business, is to see these candidates out in the work force about to join your practice and handle your offices millions of revenue. We have been able to eye them out within a few days that they do not have the necessary tools to be handling practices finances and insurance claims, but how fast can you as a practice owner who does not do billing, eye out this type of employee. Sometimes its within a month when your finances are decreasing and your aging report is increasing and other times which is what we hear the most, its 6 months to a year down the road after the massacre to your finances has already been done.

This is why Dental Accounts at Ease was started. Outsourcing billing services is the safest tool for dental practices. It decreases your denials, rejected claims, adjustments, account receivables, and chances of embezzlement. It increases your practice cash flow, patient confidence in your billing department rises, and you as the owner and your staff can feel secure in knowing your practices finances are in good hands.
Inquire today, and find out how DAAE can give you the security you’ve been waiting for in your account receivables!
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